Our Instructors are firearms experts with backgrounds as trainers in the US Military and professional certification by the National Rifle Association (NRA), the Illinois State Police, and other well respected firearms organizations.
All courses use the latest in firearms and accessories to provide students with maximum exposure to a wide range of guns, ammo, and accessories.
We provide quality firearms instruction to ensure maximum safety and shooting competence. All classes thoroughly discuss basic content, plus include additional information to optimize your firearms skills.
The Illinois Concealed Carry Course is an Instructor-led class designed to familiarize attendees with handgun operations and safety, and meet the minimum requirements for an Illinois Concealed Carry license. It encompasses 16-hrs of classroom discussion, plus a 1-hr qualification session at a local gun range. Day one focuses on key handgun components and actions, proper loading and handling, correct aiming technique, major differences in ammunition, cleaning and storage, and much more. Students are exposed to an array of handguns and equipment. Day two examines the legalities of carrying a concealed firearm in Illinois and individual responsibilities of the CCW licensee. Strict firearms safety protocols will be observed at all times.
NRA firearms courses include Instructor-led and blended classes designed to familiarize attendees with handgun, rifle, and shotgun operations and safety. Major areas of focus include key components and actions, proper loading and handling, correct aiming technique, major differences in ammunition, cleaning and storage, an overview of different types of shooting sports, and much more. Students are exposed to an array of firearms and equipment. Classes vary in length according to topic covered, and typically involve a 1-hr. or longer shooting qualification session at a local gun range. Additional one-on-one firearms instruction is available if personalized assistance is desired. Strict firearms safety protocols will be observed at all times in every course.
Our Active Shooter Response programs provide instructor-led training for responding to the presence of an active shooter in the workplace. Subject areas include advanced preparations, an appropriate initial response, steps to protect yourself and others during an event, what to do (or not do) when help arrives, and how to manage the post-event trauma. This course will incorporate recommended actions provided by Law Enforcement, Homeland Security, FEMA, Industry, and many other valuable sources. Students will be presented with different scenarios, and given alternatives for minimizing their risk in each situation. Classes vary in length according to the topic being covered, and may include on-site scenarios that detail appropriate responses to specific threats. Classes may be tailored to address specific work environments.
Certified Illinois CCL training
The Illinois Concealed Carry Course is an Instructor-led class designed to familiarize attendees with handgun operations and safety, firearms laws and statutes, and comply with the training requirements for an Illinois Concealed Carry license. The course includes approx. 16-hrs of classroom presentation, and includes a 1-hr marksmanship qualification session at a local gun range.
This 3-hour CCL Renewal Course includes a review of firearms safety fundamentals and concealment requirements, relevant portions of use-of-force in defense of individuals and property, and other legal requirements that affect Concealed Carry Licensees.
For anyone requiring assistance with submitting the Illinois FOID, CCL or other documents, individual assistance is available.
For anyone needing one-on-one training on Pistol, Rifle, or Shotgun operations or marksmanship.. (Range rental fee is extra.)
Handgun, Rifle, and Shotgun training courses.
Our 4-hr. Basic Firearms Ownership is an overview class focusing on fundamentals of safe and responsible firearm ownership, operations, marksmanship, proper storing, and maintenance. The presentation includes primary factors to consider when buying a self-defense firearm.
NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting is an 8-hr Instructor-led class designed to familiarize attendees with handgun operations and safety. Major focus include key components, proper loading and handling, aiming techniques, key differences in ammunition, cleaning and storage, and different types of shooting sports.
NRA Basic Rifle Shooting Course is an Instructor-led class designed to familiarize attendees with rifle operations and safety. Areas of focus include key components and actions, loading and handling, basic shooting positions, key ammo differences, cleaning and storage, and related shotgun sports.
NRA Basic Shotgun Shooting Course is an 8-10 hr., Instructor-led class that teaches the basic knowledge, skills, and attitude necessary for the safe use of a shotgun while tracking a moving target in flight or on the ground.
The NRA Basic Personal Protection in the Home teaches the basic skills and knowledge essential for protection in the home. Students learn defensive shooting skills; strategies for home safety; how to best handle a violent confrontation; firearms and the law; choosing a handgun for self-defense; and opportunities for further skills improvements. Prerequisites apply - please call.
The NRA Basic Personal Protection Outside the Home provides knowledge and skills needed for safe and responsible use of a concealed pistol for self-defense. It is divided into two levels - Level I is 8-Hrs. and covers essential knowledge and skills needed to carry, store, and use a firearm for protection outside the home. Level II includes an additional 4-6 hrs. on the range learning real-time shooting skills
The NRA Defensive Pistol course is a skills development course focused on building real-world shooting capabilities to supplement CCW training. It includes holster draw, rapid fire, point shooting, firing from concealment and cover, emergency reloads, malfunction response, shooting under stress, multiple target response, and firing while moving.
This is an intermediate course is designed to build a shooter’s critical skills, tactics, and marksmanship to successfully defend themselves from home invasion and personal danger.
This is an advanced course designed to build a shooter’s critical defense skills, strategy, and tactics to successfully defend themselves from home invasion and personal danger.
This 8-hr. course explores AR-15 major components and action, proper loading and handling, improved marksmanship techniques, cleaning and storage, popular options, choice of optics, and more.
This course focuses on long range marksmanship, zeroing in
MOA and MIL scopes, rifle/scope/ammunition characteristics, compensating for a wind component, rifle and scope maintenance, and more.
The seminar teaches easy‑to‑understand methods vulnerable individuals can use to increase awareness, leverage non-lethal defense mechanisms, and prevent criminal confrontation.
The NRA Range Safety Officer (RSO) program teaches RSO roles and responsibilities; Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs); range inspection; range rules and briefings; firearm stoppages and malfunctions, and procedures to follow in case of an emergency.
Give the gift of personal protection. Gift cards of any amount are available, and can be applied to any training class. (CLICK HERE)
Reloading classes designed to teach metallic cartridge and shotgun shell reloading.
NRA Basic Metallic Cartridge Reloading is a basic 8-hr. course that focuses on reloading safety; centerfire cartridge components, use of a reloading manual and reloading data, typical equipment requirements, and the metallic cartridge reloading process.
NRA Basic Shotgun Shell Reloading is an 8-hr. course focusing on shotgun shell reloading safety; shotgun casing components, use of a reloading manual and load data, typical loading equipment, and the shot-shell reloading process.
Training programs designed to prepare organizations for effective active shooter response.
The Active Shooter Response Program a comprehensive plan designed to assist people who are caught by a mass shooting in a corporate environment. When an Active Shooter Event occurs individuals must quickly respond with the most effective actions available to protect their own lives, and the lives of others. We present options that may be available in each situation, and suggest ways for corporations to optimize safety and security for their employees.
The Active Shooter Response Program a comprehensive plan designed to assist people who are caught in a mass shooting situation at a hospital or medical facility. When an Active Shooter Event occurs individuals must quickly respond with the most effective actions available to protect their lives, and the lives of others. We present options that may be available in each situation, and suggest ways for medical facilities to optimize safety and security for their patients and employees.
The Active Shooter Response Program a comprehensive plan designed to protect students and teachers that could be caught in a mass shooting event at a school or educational facility. When an Active Shooter Event occurs individuals must quickly respond with the most effective actions available to protect their own lives, and the lives of others. We also help strengthen the school's security, communications, and internal procedures to prevent or minimize the impact of an active shooter event.
Please contact us about current class schedules and group discounts.
3N390 Ponderosa Drive, Saint Charles, IL 60175
Phone: (630) 248-0660 e-Mail: rcochran@pbftraining.com
By appointment only